Born: 08/01/1951
Died: 11/20/1970
“Dean died in an auto accident in November of 1970. He was living in West Virginia with our grandparents. He was coming home from a construction job and came over a winding hill, lost control and his car ended in a tree over an embankment. They said that he suffered a broken neck. No one found him until the next morning, and my cousin came through the site and told the police that it was Dean. They all knew my Grandparents. The police went to my grandparents house and told my Grandmother. She had to go and identify him. He was a really sweet brother, he loved kids, and I know he would have made a great Uncle to my children!!!” (information provided by Dean's sister)
Gayle Patterson (Cook)
So very sorry to hear about Dean's tragic death and just a year after graduation when he had his whole life ahead of him.