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08/10/16 03:09 PM #1    


Irma Wilson (Comer)

Aug. 13:  Kathleen wins big again - and takes the Gold!!!   It's a gold medal for Kathleen Baker and her relay team mates in the Aug. 13 4 X 100 Women's Medley


8/9 Congratulations to Kathleen Baker on winning the Silver in Rio!  Kathleen is the daughter of EF '71 Norris Baker - and the niece of '69 Barrylaugh

08/10/16 03:50 PM #2    

Barry Linville Baker

I like this post lol. Come to JP LOONIES in Kville Saturday night at 900pm and watch relay and shot at the gold with us. BB. WHAT a a ride

04/05/20 09:16 PM #3    

Joel Rosenquist

CNN (INSIDE POLITICS) recently did an interview with Sarah Brown Leone, a missionary in Morogoro, Tanzania.  It was regarding "The Role of Faith in a Pandemic".  Sarah is a daughter of our classmate Diane Norman Brown.  Not sure how to find the interview.  My wife posted it on Facebook.

12/09/21 08:08 AM #4    


Glenda Ann Carlyle (Eller)

My heart is Overwhelmed this morning as I began to read all the loving comments that have been sent to me and Wayne!   I don't get on the website often but for some reason I felt led to just look at updates.  It is so hard to believe that friends from so long ago still reach out to one another.  We have wonderful memories and relationships that have lasted a lifetime!!  You don't find that with schools today and what a shame.   As the Christmas season is here and we begin to  reflect on 2021, let us not forget to be thankful regardless of any situation we may be facing!  We have all be surrounded with sickness, trials, heartbreak, and discouragement but let us hold on to our Faith and Trust in God that He will get us through.  Again Thank You for all your love and prayers for me and Wayne.  As I read him your comments he cried and his heart was touched more than you will ever know!   Merry Chirstmas to all of you!



12/11/21 11:05 AM #5    

Daniel Edwin (Dan) Laramore

Let's MAKE AMERICA GOD'S AGAIN: remember when students from Gospel Light Baptist would share God's WORD and pray over the intercom from the principal's office? When I was told at Home Depot that I could not say Merry Christmas...I said that I am as politically correct as God ant He was thrown out of school for not being politically correct...I choose to follow His correctness... accepted Him as my Savior on Nov. 21,1971

04/23/23 02:25 PM #6    

Carl Edward Wilkins Jr

happy birthday Larr Flynt you once was a gppd frien Guess you cannot understand hard timea

05/11/23 03:30 PM #7    

Carl Edward Wilkins Jr

classmates of 1969 you may not remember me Carl Wilkins sometimes refered to by my nickname EDDIE. I am battling several health problems which have been a great setback I would like to ask only one thing from yo as a fellow classmate a prayer for better health. Thanks in advance

05/12/23 10:57 AM #8    


Sandra Kay Crotts (Gravley)

Sent you a private email.  If you didn't receive it let me know and I will resend.  Prayers are going out to you

05/13/23 11:40 AM #9    

Linda Kay Lumley (Willette)

Sandy,  did not get your email...please send again!!  

02/12/25 03:02 PM #10    


Glenda Ann Carlyle (Eller)

I want to thank so many friends and classmates that have sent sincere well wishes to me and our family.  This has been one of the hardest moments in my life.  I lost the love of my life (57 years)  Sunday, February 9th !! Words cannot express my grief and pain today.  He was a wonderful husband, Pawpaw, friend and Pastor.  The out pouring of love has overwhelmed me and my family and this is when I needed it most.  We have a strong faith in God and I know that as I walk this driven path that He will take care of me.  My life has been forever changed.  As Wayne often said "When you Love Deep, you Hurt Deep" .                 I Loved this man til death do us part.  Rest on my love I will meet you again heart


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